Monday, January 20, 2014

Chapter 2 Part 2

It was on the second of May when Winston and the girl from the fiction department got to meet in the country away from the city of London, where they could calmly talk without been surrounded by telescreens. Winston was fortunate since no patrols asked him for his passport or asked him questions. When he took the train, most of the passengers were proles who were going to the country to visit their family. When Winston met with the girl they got to know more about each other. For example, the girl’s name was Julia, she was 10 or 15 years younger than Winston. Even though Winston was 39 years old , he had varicose veins, had false teeth, Julia didn't really mind all his imperfections. Julia fell in love with him because she notice in his face that he was against THEM, referring  to the party. In this chapter we get to know that Julia buys in the black market, since she gave to Winston a chocolate that tasted different than the regular chocolates. She was also a troop-leader in the Spies, voluntary work three evenings a week for the Junior Anti-Sex Leagues. Julia was the type of girl who is very active in her society, she did all this to used it as a camouflage so, she won't be a target to be followed by the party. After work, and volunteering she was the opposite of a perfect citizen, she used coarseness language as rebellion, and did not followed any Ingsoc teachings.

An analogy between our society and the society of 1984 is that if we go out of the country or even away from your neighborhood is important to take your passport or identification because you never know when the patrols might ask for it. Another resemblance is that there are black markets just like in our society, here Julia bought a chocolate. I wonder what would happen if they caught Julia buying in the black market? of if the party members were allowed to buy it.
Julia is a very queer girl because she likes Winston even though she is younger, I wonder why she is not with a guy of her age and weather because of age difference they can only see each other in secret. She is also astute to make the party think that she is like a role model that the society should look up to, since she participates, volunteers in most of the party’s activities. In the next chapter, I hope to see more about Julia’s comportment when the party is not watching her.  I wonder if there are more people like her who all camouflaging because they don't believe in Big Brother.

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