Thursday, March 20, 2014


A society full of psychological, physical manipulation over its citizens; makes them conceive that 2+ 2=5, that WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY , IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH, an antithetical model of a proper government. It’s all found in the dystopian novel of George Orwell, where  he narrates a story about a thirty- nine year old man called Winston. He lives in the nation of Oceania governed by Big brother, and his telescreens that catches every thought, and demeanor done by the citizens. Winston meets a girl named Julia, who has a love relationship with Winston, their hatred towards the party invigorate their relationship. Until, they start meeting intermittently  in a room above Mr. Charrington’s second-hand shop. Their desire to overthrow the party has been presented by a colleague called O’Brien, this man had only atrocious intentions, he was only planning a setup to catch them in Mr. Charrington's room and report them for their crimes. Julia and Winston fell for his set up and were taken to ministry of love for punishment. Here they are both brainwashed, betray each other, and parted their own ways. Now they only wait for the bullet behind their head to announce their death.

The party gets control over its citizens by influencing their social class, culture, technology, and jobs. In the hierarchical pyramid of 1984 we can find big brother as the top of the pyramid, the inner party, the outer party and the proles. The inner party represent a 2% of the population. We can compare them to the high class, or the oligarchical political class. Like in any century, even today in the 21st century  the upper class have more privileges due to their wealth;  this pattern also is discern in 1984. The inner party are allowed to turn off their telescreens for about 30 minutes, they have a variety of products to choose from such as  wine, real coffee, tea, sugar and cigarettes with good tobacco. Their lifestyle is comfortable since they have a  clean neighborhood, convenient transportation, and spacious homes. The party allows them to have all those commodities and chattels because they are skilled in rhetoric, doublethink and therefore loyal to Big brother.
The second class is the outer party, or the middle class which  represent 13% of the population, they work in ministries, their homes are not elegant, their neighborhood are filthy, they are not allowed to turn off telescreen, the products they can buy are not the best quality so, they have no choice than to consume Victory Gin, Victory Coffee and Victory Cigarettes. Although they can buy in the  black market and get sugar instead of saccharine tablets. They life is completely monitored and controlled like puppets. We can see how their social class does affect their lifestyle, equality is not used in this society. The last class and the most forlorn are the proles. The proles are the low class and they represent 85% of the population. There are more proles than outer or inner party members altogether, that statistics tell us that the party does not care about the well being of their citizens. In the novel there is a slogan that says, "Proles and animals are free." , they are compare to animals as if their existence did not matter. The proles had little education, work at manual labour, lived in poverty, their entertainment was playing the lottery which no one actually wins and pornography in their magazines. A we can see the party wants the proles to be more ignorant of what's actually happening in their society, they have what other party members don't have and its freedom, they can sing their silly songs, and they can do what they want since they are not monitored. For the party the proles are to keep away as far as possible, they keep control of the proles not by monitoring them but by letting them live in poor conditions, and keeping them ignorant, doing all manual labour work so, that way they will never realize that the world is upside down.

In the society of 1984 there four ministries. The ministry of love, the ministry of plenty, the ministry of peace, and the ministry of truth. In the ministry of love is a depressing building with no windows, light is always on;  perfect for touring, and brainwashing. The purpose of this ministry is to punish the people that hate big brother, they want to control the will of the person  and make them loyal and love Big brother through fear. O’brien works at this ministry. O'brien is a wise man, who ends up betraying Winston by getting his friendship.
At the ministry of plenty, their job is to control Oceania's economy. They are in charge of giving the best goods to the inner party, and the proles to maintain in their poor state. Their goal is to always have scarcity and financial shortage. They are also in charge of organizing the lotteries, and the consumers are mostly the proles who are been fooled because the big prizes are not awarded since,  the ministry of truth is in charge of publishing every week the names of non- existent winner.
In the ministry of peace they are in charge of the armed forces, and navy army. They make sure that Oceania is at war with either  Eurasia or Eastasia . The ministry of peace also verifies that Oceania is using just the right force to not win the war , but to keep the balance of forces and interests. This ministry consumes all the resources that the population could use for their benefit, because is the only way to keep “oceania at peace”.
The ministry of truth is in charge of changing the historical records into the party’s advantage and ideologies. Julia and Winston works at this ministry. They also belong to the outer party class, or the middle class. They change history record therefore, no one can know the truth what happened a day ago or ten years ago.
The job of the ministries is about supervising information the citizens get, control the economy in order to keep the proles poor and the rich richer, dominate people’s thought and change them to a proper thought about the party, and lastly always keeping oceania at war, so the citizens don't have the opportunity to haggle. Through out the book other type of jobs are not mentioned, and the people are obliged to do the job the party chooses for them.

The technology is another source that that the party uses for manipulating the citizens, the use of telescreens and hidden microphones. Especially, if there are restrictions such as writing in a diary, having relationships were peoples privacy does not exist. This situation psychologically affects them because they will be the person the party want them to be and not themselves. The culture is another factor that big brother’s teachings are influential, in other words, due to its influence big brother gets the mind of the citizens to live a lifestyle that people won't have spare time to analyze the society in which they are living in. The culture of 1984 is a busy society where people are constantly working, and if they go to a community center as to relax their mind is futile since even for playing chess there is a lesson how the party ideologies can be used. Therefore, culture is a key factor to make the citizens into a robots. For example, hate week is an event held by big brother with the purpose of increase hatred for the current enemy of the Party, which is either Eastasia or Eurasia. Since they accumulate so much love towards big brother, there is no respect between parents and children. The children will betray their parents by denouncing them to the thought police if he or she has done an unorthodox behaviour. For example, Mrs. Parson’s children denounce Mr. Parson for saying in his sleep that he hated big brother. Big brother is cultivating hatred and violence, the kids of this novel like to watch people been hung. History is also part of culture, the citizens of Oceania will never know about the past because big brother’s idea was to keep 1984 forever no matter how many years have passed, this way the only reality that exists is the the present, therefore there is no future or past. That is the extreme manipulation big brother does for people to lose the sense of time, and believe to only be true whatever the party says because they don't know where they are standing anymore. In the novel of 1984 we see that Syme , a  friend of Winston is working on the Eleventh Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary were Newspeak is the new language. Here big brother tries to minimize and eliminate vocabulary for less communication between party members and to prevent vocabulary to be in the wrong use such as for going against the party. The importance of manipulating language is because language helps shape the human thought. The less words we know the less we can think, write, and communicate. This way the party only teaches words that are needed in work and to speak about how great the party and big brother is that way there are no contradictory thoughts against their ideologies.

This fictional novel has shown us a glimpse of reality of past governments that have existed in history, such as the Soviet Union. Controlling the citizens like puppets is their goal to stay in power through  culture, technology, jobs, and social class. The influence of each of those factors lead to a powerful government, almost invincible like the one seen in 1984.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

chapter 6 part 3

In Chapter 6 part 3 is the last chapter of 1984. In this chapter we get to see Winston free from all the oppressions of O’Brien and the tortures. Winston is in the Chestnut tree cafe, where all  the embarrassed party members meet up. He drinks victory gin and listens to the telescreen. Unconsciously he writes in his table 2 + 2 = 5. This information is significant to the reader because it allows to know that Winston is not the same Winstons anymore. The fact that he wrote it unconscious means that he accepts and believes that 2+ 2 = 5. This made me despondent because I thought there would some kind of revolution against the party, but it shows that the party is almost invincible.

Later on, Winston meets up with Julia. Julia was thicker and not attractive to winston eyes. Julia didn't have any feels for Winston either. The counter was mostly silent and tacit, the only words they said was that they betrayed each other because they were threaten with something terrible and they had no other choice than to betray each other in order to survive. They also explain how when they are in that situation they don't think about loving that person, they only think of not going through the torture. Once they finished talking they parted ways. Winston went back towards the chestnut tree cafe when he heard a song playing, “underneath the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me. We can now understand why the three guys from the picture have cried after hearing this song. Its the same emotions Winston is feeling, is a song of betrayal, a memory it will never be forgotten. He also has a flashback about his childhood memories but throws them away since he believes they are false memories. I believe they are not spurious memories, this is another evidence that Winston is not the same, he does not recognize his mother anymore, or the life he used to have. This is telling  us that he is still playing the rules of big brother even though there is no one around telling him how he is suppose to think.  Now he is transformed just as O'Brien has tell him to do so.
At the end of the chapter the telescreen announces victory at the front lines, and Winston is overjoyed to tears, and when he sees the picture of  big brother he realizes that he loves him. All he is waiting now was for the party to shoot him from the back of the head  in any moment .  It is disappointing how Winston has given up, I believed he was going to change the society or become a hero but the ending was unexpected. The ending could've been more dramatic and I wonder why the author allow that injustice party to win. This is telling us that the “good people” won't always win like we are accustomed to see or read in the endings of a book or movie.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

chapter 5 part 3

In this chapter Winston gets to see what is in room 101, O'Brien explains to Winston that he has always known what was in room 101, and that the “thing” that they were tortured with was different from individual to individual. Some people are scared of cats, rats, or darkness. Therefore, in room 101 the party uses as a tool of torture what the person is frighten of.
Winston is strapped and can't move, and the sound of squeaking hungry rats make him panic. Winston can't see the rats but he can feel, smell and hear them. It is more frightening when you can't see and only hear, that technique is used in horror movies, the sounds are the ones that scares us the most. O’Brien knew that Winston was scare of rats because of the telescreen in Mr. Charrington’s shop. Therefore, they knew that they had to use hungry rats that attack in the face or any part they see flesh. Winston is terrified and all he wants is to be emancipated. He thinks that the only solution is by putting someone's face between the metal lid and his. That’s when he thinks of Julia and cries “ Do it to Julia but not me!” Suddenly the metallic lid was shut and not open. Winston had passed out in the darkness and that click of shutting the lid was the only thing he was conscious of. Now, Winston was cured since his emotions were now gone, and was apt to love big brother. I believe that all the party wants is for the citizens to be selfish, and to make them betray the most important people in their life.

chapter 4 part 3

This is a very short chapter where Winston is trying his best to train himself to think how the party wants him to think. He scribbles in the paper that freedom is slavery and that 2 plus 2 is 5 but that wasn't enough. He was grateful that now he was fed and they less beaten him but the exhilaration did not prolonged. All the sudden he cried out “ Julia, Julia, Julia!” and that’s when the telescreen  caught sign of his proscribed action. O'Brien came into the cell and took Winston to room 101. This can be a short chapter but the most intense chapter from the whole book because it leaves us wondering what will be next, since the reader nor Winston knows what is in  room 101. O'Brien says that Winston was improving in how his mind works but his emotions have not been cured yet since he still believed and cares about Julia. Then O'Brien asks Winston his truth feels towards big brother and Winston says that he hates him. Now Winston will be cured completely since loving big brother is the last step to be done.

Friday, February 28, 2014

chapter 3 part 3

In this chapter we read the continuation of the interrogation between O'Brien and Winston, and no interlude was made. O'Brien divulges that the Goldstein book was written by him, and that everything it said on the book was already known by Winston. While O'Brien was interrogating Winston, he said a wrong answer and the lever of the dial was turn on. Winston said that, “ You are ruling over us for our own good” hoe said feebly. “ you believe that human beings are not fit to govern themselves and therefore----. O'Brien found the answer very stupid and explained to Winston the right answer, he says that the party only cares about the power, and they are not interested in the in the goods of others.

Later on in the chapter Winston mentions that the party will never be able to control the stars no matter how much power they have. O'Brien says that they can control something better and that is they mind and how they perceive the stars. For example, if we are only taught at school, and read in books that the earth is the center of the universe and that the sun and stars go around it, we will believe it because that's all we know, we don't have knowledge of another option. And that's an example of how controlling the mind if so powerful. In addition, the party makes the people feel stupefied. O'Brien also explains that the prominent power is not over things but power over  man. They get control of the man by making them suffer through torture since obedience is not enough, they need to be 100% that those people are obeying the party and not themselves. The goal of the party is to tear down the human mind to pieces and put them again together with different shapes chosen by the party. This is like turning the citizens into robots.

Even though O'Brien explains to  Winston  why they are invincible, Winston still says to O'Brien  that some spirit of man will defeat them. O'Brien takes Winston to see himself in the mirror and asks him if he considered to be a man. When Winston sees his reflection, he realizes how feeble he looks, as if he was rotting and falling to pieces. Now, O'Brien asks if he still feels superior to the party.  Winston’s self esteem has descended  and feels half. Winston mentions that he has not betrayed Julia, he still loves her. The fact that he hasn't betrayed Julia reflects the Winston’s pride and has not been completely annihilated. O'Brien gives him credit for being tenacious but sooner or later Winston know that they will shoot him. Winston asks when he will be shoot, but O'Brien says he doesn't have to be so pessimistic since he can get fixed but either way he will be shoot sooner or later. If I were Winston I would be traumatized thinking that in anytime they would shoot me. I wonder why the party doesn't give the chance for the “cured” people to live longer.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Chapter 2 part 3

In this chapter Winston is beaten, tortured and inquisited . O’ Brien intimidates Winston with the dial, used as torturing tool by releasing electric current any time Winston says something insane. O'brien tells Winston the reason why he was torture, the explanation  had nothing to do  with been part of an underground organization, instead it was because he was considered insane. For the party Winston is insane because he recalls events that has never occurred before.
There is a quote in this chapter said by O'brien ( Who controls the present controls the past) here O'brien knows that reality is how the world is while it is controlled by the party. This means that Winston has to mutate how  his mind works by considering facts as insignificant and what the party says as the absolute truth.  Winston in the ministry of love is been cured from all the inaccurate memories he has.  The party makes sure that Winston leaves believing in the party by  asking  him questions such as who is Oceania at war with, how much is 2 plus two. The right answer for two plus two is ( to not know) which was said by Winston for the dial to not go any higher. The reason why the answer is  to not know  is because one day it might be 4 or the next day might be 5 .

We also see how O'brien is an expert using doublethink, when he shows the photograph of Rutherford, Aaronson, and Jones to Winston he says that the photograph never existed even though he had held it in his hands a few seconds ago. Winston says he saw the photograph and it did existed since it was in his memory but that believe has to be annihilated forever.

The philosophy that the party uses is quite extraordinary.  The party does not desire to kill the people but to control their thoughts. In the ancient times, the martyrs were killed because they never changed their religious belief, a situation the martyrs seen as brave for  dying for their believe, something the party doesnt want with their prisoners.  Instead what the party wants is to change their believe and then release them, sending a message to the believer and the public that the party always wins, and never loses.

At the end of the chapter Winston gets to asks questions to O'Brien, Winston asks how Julia was, if big brother existed and if the brotherhood existed. In conclusion, this chapter was all about how physical pain affects the human mind and how the party uses that as a way of manipulating them.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chapter 1 part 3

Julia and Winston are separated after they were caught by the thought police In Mr.Charrington's shop. Winston was thrown into a cell, but we don't know where Julia is taken yet in this chapter. Winston loses sense of time, he doesn't know if its morning, afternoon, or evening. He is surrounded by four telescreens which is constantly viewing the unexpected movements. Here food is not given to the prisoners and Winston was compelled to take bread crumbs out of his pocket, but was not able to do so since the telescreen announced him to take his hands out of his pockets. A  prole woman came into the cell and started throwing off, she had the last name of “smith” and Winston thought for a moment that she could be his mother. Julia is barely mentioned in this chapter, only that Winston will never betray her although, he doesn't think of her as much, as if he had never loved her.

Winston aims for a razor blade to be sent to him to commit suicide and end the terror that is about to begin. In the cell he meets with some acquaintances such as Parson, and Ampleforth. Parson was denounced by his children but he was not angry with them, he was actually proud of them. Parson believes that he is guilty because he doesn't think that the party would arrest an innocent men. I believe that Parson only believes this way because he admires Big Brother, but the truth is that innocent people do get arrested, and they can't go against big brother’s word because what he says is a fact. The other person that Winston meets is Ampleforth, whose crime was leaving the word “ God” in a Rudyard Kipling translation. Here we know that Big brother goes against religion, and doesn't want religion to be promoted. I believe that Big brother doesn't want religion in his party because he wants to get all the spotlight that religion gets, he wants to be seen as a divine, and adulated by the people and never to be doubt. A skull face man came into the cell and kept saying that he was going to do anything to not go to room 101. The officer didn't changed his mind, the skull man had to be taken to room 101. He even said that he will rather see his wife and his 3 children to get their throats cut off in front of him, but not to take him to room 101. That was the most unpredictable event I had read in this chapter because usually in movies we see that the person would sacrifice for his family but this time is different, he will sacrifice his family to save himself. This tells us that room 101 is the most horrid place a human being can be in; the reason why no one wants to ever go there.

When O'Brien came in into the cell, Winston knew that his hope to get the razor blade was gone. A the end, guard smashes Winston’s elbow, and Winston thinks that “ no one can become a hero in the face of physical pain because it is too much to endure”. I believe that usually heroes are seen as heroes because they endure pain, but we understand that Winston is not that type of person, and would rather not be seen as a hero just to save himself.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chapter 10 part 2

Winston wakes up and hears the red- armed women singing. Winston watches the women from the window and feels adulation towards her for expressing  freedom in her singing, and realizes that one day the proles will create a better society after they rebel against the party.. The singing of the women is a prevailing symbol in this novel because it shows us that there is nothing more preponderance than freedom.Winston and Julia both know that they will be caught in any time and lose their half freedom forever, so they feel jealous of the proles who are not as oppressed and deprived from freedom by the party.

Winston and Julia say, “We are the dead,” and a voice hidden announced “ You are the dead” . They later realize that there was a telescreen behind the picture of St. Clement’s Church. This tells us that Mr. Charrington was scrutinizing Winston since the beginning, hearing what Julia and Winston had said in that room. In earlier chapter we had seen that Mr. Charrington was not as concern about selling his antique merchandise which a normal salesman will be, and tacitly told Winston some hints about the telescreen, if we go back we see how Mr. Charrington does explain to Winston about the rhyme. The rhyme was the answer but Winston never thought of its insidious purpose of why Mr. Charrington had mentioned it. Winston and Julia are beaten and the paperweight is broken just as Winston life is; small and annihilated. Mr. Charrington enters the room and orders someone to pick up the shatters of the paperweight, later Winston realizes that the voice coming from the telescreen was Mr. Charrington, making him part of the thought police.

I hope in later chapter of part three we will be able to see how the proles rebel against the party, and weather they will be successful or not. I also believe like Winston that the proles are the happiest people  in their society, since they have freedom and are allow to demeanor like they want.  When Winston and Julia say we are the dead they know that the time has come, now they might never see each other again.  I found it surprising when the telescreen was behind the picture of St. Clement’s Church, this shows that Winston trusted on Mr. Charrington so much to had never  doubt about him at all. This also shows us that Julia and Winston were so desperate in finding a place without been watched that they had even forgotten to check for telescreens. From the beginning we found that Mr. Charrington was very friendly person but that  was only a stratagem he used to get Winston’s trust. I wonder what the thought police like Mr. Charrington get in return for giving Winston and Julia.

Chapter 9 part 2

Winston and the members of the party had drudge work since, Oceania’s ally had changed from Eurasia to East Asia. They had to remove all printed evidence of the war of Eurasia. It all started when at a rally, the speaker is forced to change what he was saying in mid- sentence since his assent of Eurasia as an enemy was obsolete.  The posters that people had were going against East Asia (now ally of Oceania), which had to be blamed on Goldstein for sabotaging them. Its amusing how the totalitarianism system can manipulate people and make them believe something so palpable to not be true; they avert the most assumable evidence. I do believe that people do know that history is been changed by the party but they don't want to affirm it because they will be going against the party and ending up losing their life

This chapter was mostly about Winston reading the book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivis which was given by O’Briend. The chapter title’s were the party’s slogans WAR IS PEACE” and“IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.  In this book we get to know that there are three main superpowers that are very alike. The philosophies of those three powers are named different, in Oceanis is called Ingsoc, in Eurasia has a Russian name and in East Asia translates to death worship. Oceania covers America, South America, South of Africa,  Australia, and England. The second superpower is Eurasia which covers mostly Russia, and the third superpower is  East Asia which covers the orient such as  India, Japan, , and China. The book explains the brotherhood philosophy and the conspiracies theories about the war. Those three super power are always fighting among themselves, never to overthrow one another because they want to keep everything on balance. They are always at war, and not to conquer one another but to to “use up the products without raising a general standard of living”. In other words, they don't want to make their citizens wealthy and comfortable, they want to keep everybody oppressed, therefore, the three superpowers can just shift the power to themselves. That way they can preserve the power among the high class, and the middle class keeps fighting for freedom and fraternity and  the lower class ( proles) to always be impoverish.

The two main concern of the party with which the brotherhood does not agree are : how to discover against his will what another human being is thinking  and how to kill several hundred million of people in a second without giving warning. In this society there is no peace time because they always find a way to start war, and having new allies and new enemies.  At the end Goldstein explains that the party’s central tool is the control of history. After Julia and Winston been an hour in bed, Winston was reading the book to Julia, but she falls asleep and later he falls asleep too.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Chapter 8 part 2

Julia and Winston have decided to go to O’Brien’s house together. The house was full of luxury and very elegant. The fact that O’Brien could turn off the telescreen caughts Julia and Winston’s attention, apparently it was something only the inner party members could do for thirty minutes. Martin, O’Brien’s servant came over not as a servant but as a member of the brotherhood. O’Brien explains to Winston that the brotherhood exists, and their leader was Goldstein who also exists. Julia and Winston are finally persuaded to be part of the brotherhood and work for one goal and that is to go against the party. To truly be part of the brotherhood they had to agree to come conditions such as: commit murder, acts of sabotage that can cause deaths of innocent people, corrupt minds of children,  encourage  prostitution , disseminate diseases , lose their identity ( surgery change their face, their movements, the shape of their hands, the colour of  hair—even their voice would be different, and if they were caught they will have to commit suicide. Later on, O’Brien will send the book to Winston in where it explains the nature of society in which they are living and the strategy they will use to destroy it, he will only have two weeks to read it and will be never regret to have join the brotherhood . The brotherhood is a secret organization so, no one knows who is part of the brotherhood, a list is not known by anyone so, when its time to confess, no information could be given.

I believe this has been one of the most thrilling chapter in the book so far, because we finally see Julia and Winston are part of a conspiracy and are ready to even give their life to accomplish it. The brotherhood has so many conditions that can be horrifying to do, such as causing acts of sabotage even though innocent people might be killed, I believe that even though they both hate the party so much, I still think that that they should of not said yes to everything because innocent  people should not pay for all the corruption. I do understand that the purpose of the brotherhood is to make the party unstable but such conditions are so harsh that no human being should accept them. I also found intriguing how the members of the brotherhood could change their identity, that might mean that people like Syme might of had not vanished but instead they might still be alive with a different body. If that is true, then that means that in the world of the brotherhood, there is no way to ever know who is who and more importantly never know who is Goldstein.

Monday, February 3, 2014

In chapter 7 part 2

In chapter 7 part 2 Winston and Julia are in the room above Mr.charrington's shop, there Winston wakes up crying and Julia asks him what was wrong. Winston has always believed that he has murder his mother, but in a dream he finally remembered what actually happened. He tells his dream to Julia. His father had vanished and he was left with his young sister and his mother. They lived in destitute conditions, and most of their time they had to be in underground shelters hiding from air raids, and often without any food. Winston was always hungry just as his mom and his sister but always persistent on getting more food.  His mom sacrificed her food to give him more. One day, Winston stole the chocolate that was supposed to be shared with his sister but he run away. When we went back home, since that day he ran away he never saw his mom or sister ever again. He imagines that she must had been took to a labour camp and his sister must had been adopted just like him. I believe that this dream will wake up other dreams and decode more information about him. Knowing more about the past can risk his life more, he will try to look for his sister or figure out what happened with the people of that time.
Winston also discusses an interesting point, and is that the party has eliminated human feelings, the only people that are “ human” are the proles, but the party members like Julia and Winston,are becoming more “ inhuman” since their desires are restricted, and they can't do what they wish to do. They live in a society where freedom does not exist, they are constantly being watched. They are turning like a robots, been controlled by the party, saying what the party wants to see and what they want them to say. I do agree with Winston that the party is making them “inhuman” now that his way of thinking is changing, I believe that in later chapters he will turn into an insurgent.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

chapter 6 part 2

In chapter 6 part 2 Winston and O’Brien met in a corridor and started talking about Newspeak. Here O’Brien praises Winston’s work for using newspeak in his writing, and then says how O’Brien was not the only person who think his writing was marvelous but also Winston’s friend Syme believed the Same. O’Brien had committed a thought crime since he mention an “ unperson” who does not exist anymore. O'Brien invites Winston to his house to see the new edition of the Newspeak dictionary, Winston receives the address in a scrap of paper. Winston knew that this invitation that another purpose, but the scrap of paper haunted him and terrified him. Winston late memorizes the address and throws the paper on the pneumatic tube.

If O’ Brien knew Syme then he might know what happened to him, where and when he disappeared. I also wonder, if O’Brien is creating a group of people who are against the Party to create a revolution since he mentioned Syme, and not caring that his life is at risk. I believe that Winston will go to O’Brien’s house and realize that now he is inextricable and will definitely be a target to be  followed by the thoughtpolice.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Chapter 5 part 2

Winston's friend, Syme has been evaporated.  To make sure Winston instincts were right he went to the notice board of the chess committee in where Syme was a member but  his name was not found as if he had never had existed.

Everyone was very busy for hate week preparations, stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumors circulated, and more photographs faked. The anthem or the hate song was all made by drums and the telescreen was consistently showing it.  At the same time, rocket bombs were thrown and had killed a large amount of people such as the one that fell on the theater in Stepney, or in the playground were many children were blown to pieces. Winston's and Julia's conspire went on, they have met for six times in Mr. charrington's shop. Winston started talking about all the things that the party does such as, forged documenting, changing history according to their perspective, but Julia was actually falling asleep. This type of knowledge was already known by her, but she found them so boring that she did not mind what the party was doing with history. She was more concern about the present and future. Julia sees the past as something that does not affect her,  since the truth will never be found out, and something that's a waste talking about. In the other hand, Winston has been trying to find more about his past, and its an interesting topic for him. I believe that talking about the past is more interesting for Winston because he is older and half of his memories are about the past which he is trying to bring them back to decode some mysteries in his life. But Julia is a young girl, and she had her memories very clear so, for her there is no need to find out anything. She is more of a girl who looks forward at the present and future, to always find a way to live a happy life breaking the rules and never getting caught, that's her purpose in life. Winston sees life differently, he wants to know, more about how things came to what they are now, a controlled society by an imaginary man who no one knows if he actually exists. ( BIG BROTHER).

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chapter 4 part 2

While visiting  MrCharrington's shop Winston realizes that he could meet up with Julia on the little room above the store. Since Julia was busy with the hate week preparations, she was not able to meet with Winston, he felt like she was cheating on him. He even thought how great it would be if he had a family with Julia, here we see that he is drawn to have a serious relationships not knowing how Julia will respond to his request. Finally when Julia meets with Winston in the rented room, Julia offers him sugar, coffee, and bread, something not everyone from the party could eat, only the inner party members had access to this luxurious food. After showing him the food, she decided to surprise Winston by putting make up on. They stayed in the room for the whole evening. Julia, notices a paperweight and Winston says to her that its a passage to the past, he imagines living inside the paperweight with Julia eternally.

As we can see,  MrCharrington knows about Julia’s and Winston’s affair, which I believe it might be perilous since he might reported to the thought police. Winston, as a lonely man who almost forgot how it felt when someone gave him affection, he would start wanting Julia for himself which might turn their perfect relationship upside down by Winston becoming more of a controller. In this chapter we also know that Julia knows the song of the St. Clement’s Church, which is such a great coincidence, in that song there might a hidden clue to understand their past, everything before the revolution that neither Julia or Winston have not figured it out. The paperweight is also a prominent symbol, its the world Winston wants for his life, which is to always be beside his girlfriend Julia.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Chapter 3 Part 2

In this chapter we can see that Julia and Winston have develop a romantic relationship between them. They started to set some rules when they meet. They will have to meet in different places, if they were on the street they could only talk for 30 minutes, and  they had to have an intermittent conversation.  It was hard to plan their rendezvous since Winston worked for 60 hours and Julia worked even longer. So, they could not meet every single day, since it was hard to plan a schedule that was good for both of them.
In order to camouflage propitiously, Julia would:  attend lectures, distributed literature for Junior Anti- Sex League, prepared banners for Hate week, and did collecting for saving campaigns. Winston also decided to volunteer one evening every week for 4 hours in the part- time munition so, he could start having good qualities of a good citizen and to not avert any possible suspicion. Julia had a perfect party record even though she is ont 26 years old, the party has trusted to work at the pornography department which has the strictest confidentiality. Julia does not remember anything before the 60’s, all she remembered is that before the revolution her grandfather disappeared when she was 8 years old. She had her first love affair when she was 16 with a 60 year old man who rather commit suicide that getting arrested.
Winston also talked about his wife Katherine described her as “goodthinkful” which meant natural orthodox, incapable of bad thought. His wife believed in the Ingsoc principles and in Big brother, he believes that if she was there she would of had denounce him to the thought police. Winston is scare to get caught by the thought police, and he thinks of death but Julia full of life, makes him believe that the only way to live the fullest of life is by doing the contrary of what the party says.

In order to survive and have a good time, you had to have an infallible record, so the party can trust you,  this way you can break the rules after and be ecstatic. I believe the party doesn't let their citizens be jubilant because its easier for them to control them and always checking what they do, if everyone had freedom to do what they want they wouldn't be working for so much hours, they would start to have other mentalities that can overthrow the leader, Big brother.
Julia was so young when she had her first affair, she was not able to have a childhood which means that in her life there must be a empty space that looks for one day having a family.If she has a daughter she will take of her a lot because she wont want her daughter to experience that same thing as what she did.  Julia and Winston are completely different on how they see the chance of surviving, Julia is full of youth and wants to live her life to the fullest.I believe Winston’s self- esteem will grow now that he was a girlfriend, he would find a new purpose for living.

Chapter 2 Part 2

It was on the second of May when Winston and the girl from the fiction department got to meet in the country away from the city of London, where they could calmly talk without been surrounded by telescreens. Winston was fortunate since no patrols asked him for his passport or asked him questions. When he took the train, most of the passengers were proles who were going to the country to visit their family. When Winston met with the girl they got to know more about each other. For example, the girl’s name was Julia, she was 10 or 15 years younger than Winston. Even though Winston was 39 years old , he had varicose veins, had false teeth, Julia didn't really mind all his imperfections. Julia fell in love with him because she notice in his face that he was against THEM, referring  to the party. In this chapter we get to know that Julia buys in the black market, since she gave to Winston a chocolate that tasted different than the regular chocolates. She was also a troop-leader in the Spies, voluntary work three evenings a week for the Junior Anti-Sex Leagues. Julia was the type of girl who is very active in her society, she did all this to used it as a camouflage so, she won't be a target to be followed by the party. After work, and volunteering she was the opposite of a perfect citizen, she used coarseness language as rebellion, and did not followed any Ingsoc teachings.

An analogy between our society and the society of 1984 is that if we go out of the country or even away from your neighborhood is important to take your passport or identification because you never know when the patrols might ask for it. Another resemblance is that there are black markets just like in our society, here Julia bought a chocolate. I wonder what would happen if they caught Julia buying in the black market? of if the party members were allowed to buy it.
Julia is a very queer girl because she likes Winston even though she is younger, I wonder why she is not with a guy of her age and weather because of age difference they can only see each other in secret. She is also astute to make the party think that she is like a role model that the society should look up to, since she participates, volunteers in most of the party’s activities. In the next chapter, I hope to see more about Julia’s comportment when the party is not watching her.  I wonder if there are more people like her who all camouflaging because they don't believe in Big Brother.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Chapter 1 part 2

There is no chapter nine, instead there is chapter 1 part 2. In the other chapters we had seen that the girl from the fiction department has caught Winston’s eye, during the hate hour or when Winston was getting out of the shop but they never really talked to each other. In chapter 1 part 2, we finally see that the girl from the fiction department meets with Winston as a really casual occasion. One day Winston was walking when suddenly he sees that girl with a bandaged, she falls on the side of her injured,  Winston immediately goes after her to see if she is alright. The girl gave Winston a folded scrap of paper in his hand. He didn't have no clue what the paper said, only that it must have some kind of political meaning, or might even be a threat from the Thought Police. After he sled his work into the pneumatic tube he decided to open the scrap of paper, and it read “ I love you”. Since that incident Winston Was always thinking of how to approach to her, or else she might forget about him and move on. He sees that the only way they can meet was during lunch hours, at first there will be some interruptions by WInston friend, Parson. Then we see that the girl had not be seen for three days at the lunch hours, and Winston starts to worry and think that she must be avoiding him because she has changed her mind.

Winston visits the community center in where he eats his meal in the canteen, was part of solemn discussion, played two games of table tennis and stayed for an hour on lecture called              “ Ingsoc in relation to chess”. Ingsoc is the ideology of the totalitarian government of Oceania. Ingsoc translated to “ English socialism”. Finally Winston  got the idea of how to approach to the girl, and that was by going to the cafeteria earlier than he usually does. Winston approached to the girl’s table and they clandestinely started talking:

‘What time do you leave work?’

‘Where can we meet?’
‘Victory Square, near the monument.’
‘It’s full of telescreens.’
‘It doesn’t matter if there’s a crowd.’

‘Any signal?
‘No. Don’t come up to me until you see me among a lot
of people. And don’t look at me. Just keep somewhere near

Here they met as they planned and when they got there, they made another arrangement  for another meeting. The next appointment was on Sunday afternoon at Paddington Station but before they left they hold hands and parted away on their own direction.

I now understand why the girl from the fiction department appeared so many time in the other earlier chapter, she must had been looking at him since that time. I wonder why they both can’t meet together publicly and what would happen if the telescreen caught them? We can see that there is a community center in where people can have a fun time without thinking of work, so they can stay healthy by playing games such as table tennis. But the government teaching are everywhere and  it never rests, such as “ Ingsoc in relation to chess”. Is nice to see how this two people had the chance to meet and get to talk, but how can Winston say that he also likes her just by that note, and not even knowing her name, or her eye colour. I feel that in the next chapter we will see more about the relationship between the girl from the fiction department and Winston.